classes with Anu

Master French to expand your horizons.

Google Meet Curriculum based classes Any Grade
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How does French with Anu Classes Work?

A class above the rest - Enabling our students to become confident in the language is our goal. 100+ Students from 6+ Countries enjoy our learning methodologies.

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Regular Classes

Our teaching uses video conferencing applications for better quality and continuous learning.

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Continuous Monitoring

Regular followups, assignments and parent-teacher meetings to keep you aligned with your goals.


100% Satisfaction

We make our students understand the purpose of every concept and implement them in real-life.

Course Outline

What can you expect for school students?

We train students in all four skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Our teaching uses Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Webex for better quality and continuous learning. We share necessary books online and teach our students. We use whiteboards and many different coloured boards to create enthusiasm. Sometimes we even write on books and share them with students as an updated book. We conduct tests, get the answer sheets in PDF format from the students, correct them, and send them quickly. We conduct parent-teacher meetings online every 4 months.

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French with Anu
A class above the Rest

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Frequently Asked Questions

For school students, How many classes will there be in a week?

Coaching given for all curriculum based school students for 2 days in a week.

I've never studied French before. Is this a problem?

Absolutely not! As mentioned above, I am experienced in teaching those with no experience whatsoever of the language.

Do you conduct, any kind of tests?

Yes. We conduct tests and get the answer sheets from students, correct them, and send them back.

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